The Events Chart shows events which WBC Network Health Monitor selects from all of IntraVUE events and stores in an Event database table.
These events are:
- Ping over threshold
- Bandwidth over threshold
- Disconnections - but only for devices that have a critical state of Alway On
- Device Moved
- MAC moved to another port of a switch
- New IP Address (device joined the network)
Additionally, events created by WBC Network Health Monitor are created and stored. These events include the following:
NHM Incidents Over, a significant number of devices had high NHM Incident in this minute. See Understanding NHM Incidents and Events
New never seen before MAC, WBC Network Health Monitor stores the macs from all IntraVUE hosts centrally and this MAC has never been seen before.
- New Cloaked Devices, a device does not respond to pings and therefore is not discovered by IntraVUE, but WBC Network Health Monitor finds it in an ARP table.
Cloaked device disconnects or connects.
- Cloaked discovered by IntraVUE, sometimes WBC Industrial Network Services discovers a device before IntraVUE and then it is removed from WBC Network Health Monitor's list of cloaked devices.
- Cloaked deleted, the cloaked device was deleted by the WBC Network Health Monitor user.
- Updated Intravue vendor for device, WBC Network Health Monitor has a more up to date Vendor file and will correct IntraVUE
As in other dialogs, clicking on an underlined IP Address will go to IntraVUE and show that device in the Sidebar.
Clicking on the Icon in the Info column will bring up the DeviceInfo Popup
If a device does not have a name, the name of the Vendor is displayed because this dialog does not have a vendor column.
NOTE: If there are too many events for cloaked devices connecting and disconnecting, displaying these events can be turned off/on in the File Settings by setting "cloaked.log.connections"