NHM Incidents by Device Over-Range

This chart shows how many NHM Incidents (see Understanding NHM Incidents and Events) occured for a device over a selected number of hours.

Like most other charts, on the left is a control panel to select how many Hours To Graph, which Critical Types to graph, and which Networks to graph.

You can select graphing for either Ping, XMIT, or RECV incidents as well as how to Sort and label the devices.

The Count column shows how many incidents occurred during the period for a device. The Percent of Max column shows how this device compares to the device having the most incidents in the time period.

The Up/Down column indicates if the device is currently connected.

The Info column icon opens the DeviceInfo Popup

The History column, with the icon, shows the values WBC Network Health Monitor calculated for this device for each hour of the week. It shows the Min and Max thresholds for each of Ping, XMIT, and RECV as well at the value that is the result of adding/subtracting the number of standard deviations to the average. The number of standard deviations is calculated based on analysis of the frequency responses were less than 1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-5, 5-10, and over 10 standard deviations above average. See the StdDevs-Over Counts column of Threshold Analysis and Configuration Report