SwitchProbe - VLAN Section

Currently the VLAN section is only collected from Cisco Switches. IntraVUE‎ must get the Cisco vlan numbers because those numbers are required when getting data from a Cisco Bridge Mib.


A Cisco switch will only respond with bridge mib data in the management vlan when a snmp requests' community is used. To get bridge mib data from other vlans the request must append a "+" and the vlan number to the community.

By default, IntraVUE‎ will request the bridge mib for every discovered Cisco vlan. It is not uncommon for a large Cisco switch to have 50 or even 100 vlans defined. If a company is only scanning for devices in one or two vlans there is a setting in the /intravue/autoip/ivserver.properties file that limits the vlans being used.

			# override the cisco vlan list
			# eg
			# force.cisco.vlans=2,3,4,5			

The # signs above make the lines a comment and are ignored by the scanner. If you want to limit the vlans copy the force.cisco.vlans text to the next line without a # sign and add a comment separated list of vlans without spaces between the commas. This can save a considerable amount of time in completing IntraVUE‎'s time consuming analysis of data from all switches.

NOTE: The General Section will provide a warining message if a large number of VLANs are being scanned.